The Retired Typewriter Expert
Typewriter sales and repairs for over 30 years
a friendly retired professional
who truly loves typewriters of all types and conditions

All typewriter services to London and the South East
(or the whole UK, if you are up for a trip)
John has been selling and servicing typewriters for over 30 years
Originally an engineer for IBM, he later made the move to be self employed due to overwhelming demand for his unique skills.
His knowledge and care for typewriters is unmatched
Now retired, John considers acquiring, selling, fixing and maintaining typewriters therapeutic, and so charges far too little for his expertise. He gets tremendous joy knowing that typewriters are bringing fun and inspiration to peoples lives
On so many occasions over the years, where collectors or engineers have be unable to bring a classic machine back to it's beautiful full working order, The Retired Typewriter Expert saved the day
Repair Services
Whether a tiny portable, or enormous electronic, John has vast experience with all manner of typewriter, from all eras. He owns and has worked on countless "one of a kind" classics, but still enjoys "run of the mill" models too, he is an equal opportunity specialist
(some of his favorite models are hardworking, mass produced beauty's)
No challenge too big, no machine part too small, for this passionate guru

- All wear and tear issues
- Mistakenly dropped!
- Any spillages or rust

- Full mechanical service
- Partial aesthetic restoration
- Quick turnaround time

- All typing faults
- Mystery glitches resolved
- Reassuringly cared for
Contact John
To check on his current stock of typewriters for sale, query him on problems with your precious machine, arrange a visit, or discuss a shared love for Maltese Terriers,
feel free to either phone, email, or use the contact form
John will get back to you shortly
Blackheath, London (SE3 7RJ)

Typewriter Sales
At any one time, John has over 20 typewriters (worryingly, usually far more) painstakingly refurbished and available to buy, just a few examples are below
In the near future he will be listing all of them on the website, but if you can't wait that long, get in contact, and see if he has something that suits your particular requirements
Rest assured, this information regarding his stock is up to date as of the time of writing (January 2018). Be advised his stock is currently
PORTABLE typewriters

Silver Reed
portable with case
Silver Reed Deluxe portable with case